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Ukrainian refugees in NZ 'feeling like they may have failed' - New Zealand Herald
(LouisNom, 6. 11. 2022 10:04)
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Ukraine Will Push to Reclaim More Territory Through Winter, U.S. Defense Chief Says - The New York Times
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Putin says Ukraine mobilisation should be finished in two weeks - Reuters UK
(LouisNom, 6. 11. 2022 0:38)
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Ukraine updates: 'We need these tanks,' Kyiv envoy tells Germany - DW (English)
(LouisNom, 5. 11. 2022 21:24)
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(DonaldBom, 5. 11. 2022 20:02)
Devastation on Ukraine's eastern front, where the notorious Wagner group is making gains - CNN
(LouisNom, 5. 11. 2022 18:11)
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Ukraine Already Won the War Over Its Identity - The Atlantic
(LouisNom, 5. 11. 2022 14:55)
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Ukraine war: Tales of endurance and hardship as winter looms - BBC
(LouisNom, 5. 11. 2022 11:38)
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Richmond ambulance headed to Ukraine - WDBJ
(LouisNom, 5. 11. 2022 8:24)
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