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Buďte slušní, ohleduplní a respektujte ostatní hráče. Chovejte se k ostatním tak, jak chcete aby se chovali k Vám.
*Používejte spisovnou češtinu. Žádné nadávky nebudou tolerovány. Pokud si nejste jisti, raději použijte jiná slova.
*Na fórech se smí používat pouze čeština! Fóra neslouží k chatování. K tomu použijte chat.
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* Rovněž tak neužívejte příliš smajlíků. Jeden či dva budou bohatě stačit.
*Zaplavování fóra zbytečnými příspěvky nebude tolerováno! Rovněž to nepomůže rychlejší odpovědi.
*Témata musí souviset s howrse nebo howrse klubíkem. Pokud téma s howrse nebo howrse klubíkem nesouvisí, budete potrestáni. Mějte však na paměti, že fóra nejsou určena k chatování. *Nepřípustné jsou rovněž debaty o politice a náboženství! Toto platí pro celý howrse klubík, nejen pro fóra.
*Pokud nedostanete odpověď hned, buďte trpěliví. Uživatlelé, kteří Vám mohou pomoci, nemusí být nutně online.
*Vždy musíte zadat výstižný název tématu. Témata jako "pomoc" atd. nebudou tolerována. Název by měl stručně shrnovat, co dané téma obsahuje, nebo co má vyřešit. Řiďte se heslem: Jasně, stručně, přehledně.
*Oznámení nejsou povolena. Veškerá oznámení činí členové týmu howrse klubíku.
*UPOZORNĚNÍ - Nezveřejňujte žádné odkazy vedoucí na stránky mimo howrse či howrse klubíku!!! To platí jak pro fóra, tak pro poštu, profily, atd. Tyto odkazy nejsou povoleny nikde v rámci howrse klubíku .
*Reklama na různé služby a další věci v rámci howrse klubíku (mimo témata v inzerátech) mohou být na Vaší stránce zveřejněna pouze se souhlasem.
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Cycopay: Online Payment Processing
(Charlesraind, 7. 7. 2022 14:22)
<center>This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.</center>
<center><b>CycoPay</b> is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals.
What do we do?</b>
We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste.
<b>What's our value proposition?</b>
Instant onboarding: We let everybody in.
Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product.
API integrations & payment links.
<b>How are we different from Stripe?</b>
We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US.
Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself.
We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month.
Try CycoPay: https://CycoPay.com
<b>About Us</b>
We are <b>CycoPay</b>, a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations. </center>
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Cycopay: Online Payment Processing
(Camerontweli, 5. 7. 2022 21:49)
<center>This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.</center>
<center><b>CycoPay</b> is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals.
What do we do?</b>
We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste.
<b>What's our value proposition?</b>
Instant onboarding: We let everybody in.
Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product.
API integrations & payment links.
<b>How are we different from Stripe?</b>
We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US.
Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself.
We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month.
Try CycoPay: https://CycoPay.com
<b>About Us</b>
We are <b>CycoPay</b>, a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations. </center>
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Cycopay: Online Payment Processing
(DavidVeN, 2. 7. 2022 22:01)
<center>This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.</center>
<center><b>CycoPay</b> is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals.
What do we do?</b>
We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste.
<b>What's our value proposition?</b>
Instant onboarding: We let everybody in.
Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product.
API integrations & payment links.
<b>How are we different from Stripe?</b>
We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US.
Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself.
We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month.
Try CycoPay: https://CycoPay.com
<b>About Us</b>
We are <b>CycoPay</b>, a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations. </center>
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Cycopay: Online Payment Processing
(RichardSnope, 29. 6. 2022 19:31)
<center>This is not spam or marketing, we are at the beginning of the journey and we're just trying to get some feedback, anything constructive would be appreciated.</center>
<center><b>CycoPay</b> is a payment processing platform for startups & individuals.
What do we do?</b>
We are a platform that's facilitating online payments acceptance for startups & individuals with no paper work and no time to waste.
<b>What's our value proposition?</b>
Instant onboarding: We let everybody in.
Tax remittance on behalf of you: We remit Tax for every single products, because we act as a reseller on every product.
API integrations & payment links.
<b>How are we different from Stripe?</b>
We've noticed that stripe tends to close lots of startups merchant accounts especially outside of the US.
Like them, we offer instant onboarding, however we let everybody in, without paperwork, and when suspicious activity occurs we don't close the account or suspend it but rather let the merchant prove himself.
We remit tax on behalf of you, so instead of keeping track of invoices for every order, you'll have just one at the end of the month.
Try CycoPay: https://CycoPay.com
<b>About Us</b>
We are <b>CycoPay</b>, a startup from the UK with a subsidiary in the EEA. We are an invoicing service that's enabling startups & individuals to acceptance payments via payment links or by API integrations. </center>
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(Intefe, 29. 6. 2022 1:57)Таможенный агент «ВЭД ЛАЙН» выполняет услуги отгрузки сборных грузов и автотранспортных средств из Южной Кореи с судозаходом в Лесной Терминал г. Находка https://ved-line.ru с правом совершенья транзита в Монголию и Казахстан. Оказываем логистическое сопровождение сборных грузов и также автомобилей из Южной Кореи, включительно подготовку и также согласование обязательной документации, фрахт на борту судна, таможенного декларирования и также стивидорных услуг на Лесном Терминале. Неопасно оформим Ваш сборный груз или автотранспорт из Южной Кореи. Сборные транспортировки грузов и также автотранспорта выполняются в трюме судна. Это самый быстрый способ доставки в Казахстан и даже Монголию. Наша компания имеет кадры высокопрофессиональных менеджеров с большим навыком в мультимодальных перевозках сборных грузов и автотранспорта из Южной Кореи. Мы заинтересованы в безопасности Вашего бизнеса и также оформлении обращений на поставку. Передайте нашей компании перевозку сборных грузов и легковых автомобилей прибывающих из Южной Кореи — «ВЭД ЛАЙН» выполнит незамедлительное таможенное декларирование, образует экономически выгодную логистику, доставку Вашего сборного груза также и автотранспортных средств, прочно и эффективно согласно приемлемым стоимостям.
We are searching for new team members [ENTERPRISE OFFER]
(NathanBraro, 28. 6. 2022 5:46)
Our business is becoming larger so we remain in the need for more remote workers.
What you will be doing: As an online conversation assistant you will certainly be paid to reply to live chat messages on a company's web site or social media sites accounts.
This includes:
- answering consumer concerns,
- offering sales web links,
- and using price cuts.
Complete training is offered so you don't require any kind of previous associated experience. Contract size: No set period
Rate: $0.50 for every min ($ 30 per hour).
Skills/background required:.
- Must have a device able to gain access to social media sites and website chat functions (Phone/Tablet/Laptop).
- Be able to function independently.
- Capability to closely follow provided steps and also guidelines.
Dependable web link.
Hours weekly: Flexible.
Location: Remote work online (preferred).
For more details: https://4dct.short.gy/lively.social_jobs
Take care,
Nathan M
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